Indonesian Torso Sculpture

   Indonesian Teak Torso Sculpture
  Indonesian Teak Torso Sculpture (detail)

Long before time was measured nature amused herself by creating a world of beauty. She painted the sunsets, sculpted the clouds, and blew the wind over rock and wood and water until movement alone left an indelible mark in an infinite number of shapes and forms. Nature was playful. She colored insects, fish and birds with an iridescent, neon palette that shimmered and sparkled in majestic shafts of light which illuminated her handiwork. Nature was creative and magnanimous. She grew the trees, built the mountains, and directed water to fall from steep cliffs with a thunderous roar. Not all her creations were visual, but they all required an audience.

Indonesian Teak Torso Sculpture   
Indonesian Torso Sculpture, based

One day nature shot a lightning bolt down to earth. It uprooted a tree deep inside a forest in Indonesia. The tree lay on its side until it became obscured and overgrown. Time passed unnoticed. Much later, an artist found himself in the forest looking for inspiration. The artist appreciated nature’s work - rock, wood, water, and life. One shaft of light pierced the forest canopy and landed on the base of the tree, highlighting a familiar shape. The artist excitedly removed a piece of root and carried it from the forest. They cleaned and polished it, being especially careful not to alter the original form, and as they worked an astounding discovery emerged – one of nature’s hidden masterpieces.

This features an extraordinary sculpture – a root in the shape of a human torso - except the artist who created it was more than human. It is impossible to say how long it took to create, but its one-of-a-kind form is instantly recognizable as an authentic work of art. Fashioned from teak and based upright to make it familiar, this work is reminiscent of some of mankind’s greatest artistic achievements. Like other masterpieces it inspires, captivates, and reminds us beauty is all around us whenever we choose to open our eyes.

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