Lega Bwami Mask

   Bwami Society mask from the Lega people of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa
  Bwami Society mask from the Lega people of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa

Masked Wisdom

In multiple cultures across Africa, proverbs exist as the repository of collective wisdom. What one culture believes may not be exactly as another, but wisdom and common sense usually prevail and the same thing is said in different words. The Lega people of the Democratic Republic of Congo have a proverb about proverbs. It states, “A wise person who knows proverbs reconciles difficulties.” Among the members of the secret society called Bwami, this proverb suggests that although wise people can be found, the wisest know proverbs.

The two faces of this mask symbolize the great knowledge of the Bwami society  
The two faces of this mask symbolize the great knowledge of the Bwami society  

This week’s New Arrival features a rare Bwami Society mask. This group influences all aspects of life among the Lega. Relationships, religion, art, moral authority and knowledge – all are governed by members who have presumably gained wisdom with age and the mastery of proverbs. The two faces on this mask represent the passing of wisdom from one generation to the next. The Bwami have a proverb for this transmission. It states, “Old peoples’ drums are constantly beaten.” It’s another way to say, the most popular people know proverbs.

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