Mahishasura Mask

   Puppet head depicting Mahishasura
  Puppet head depicting Mahishasura

In Indian mythology there is a story about the goddess Durga defeating a demon king named Mahishasura. Durga fought for nine nights and ten days, an epic feat only a goddess could manage. At the exact moment the battle was over, when good finally conquered evil, a new era free from negativity was established.  It’s a story celebrated each year at harvest time during a festival called Dusserha, which marks new beginnings.

Dussera is a festival celebrated every year around harvest  
Dussera is a festival celebrated every year around harvest  

This week’s New Arrival features a large scale puppet head. Imagine a procession winding its way through an Indian village during this festival. Amidst the spectacle of costumed players and musicians, a single puppet with its head bobbing up and down commanded everyone’s attention. It was Mahishasura. Over there, he reminded spectators how harvest was really the time to begin again. Here, he reminds us we need not wait to start anew! 

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This depiction of Mahishasura is part of a much larger collection of authentic tribal artwork from all over the world