Mama Bushcow Mask

   Bushcow mask from the Mama people of Nigeria, West Africa
  Mangam or bushcow mask from the Mama people of Nigeria, West Africa

Abundant Inspiration!

Mama may be one of the first words uttered by human beings; but it is also the name of an African tribe residing in northern Nigeria. The Mama not only have the honor of bearing a name understood by just about everyone on the planet, but also the distinction of creating one of the most sought after works in all of African art – the mangam mask – the subject of this week’s New Arrival.

This mangam mask features a stylized mouth and horns and the unmistakable patina of use  
This mangam mask features a stylized mouth and horns and the unmistakable patina of use  

The mangam mask represents the spirit of a stylized buffalo or bush cow. In use, the mask was meant to harness this spirit to bring an abundant harvest to the village where it was danced. Imagine a dancer wearing this mask – not over their face but on top of their head – their face and body hidden by grasses, swaying back and forth, energetically inspiring villagers and collectors alike. 

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This bushcow mask is part of a much larger collection African art available exclusively at PRIMITIVE