Miniature Gongshi

   Miniature Gongshi, or scholar's rock
  Miniature Gongshi, or scholar's rock

As Silent as Snow

Imagine yourself looking out a window as large white snowflakes silently drift downward. Everything seems hushed, but not still. All your senses are activated. You can almost hear the silence; see the intricacy of the flakes as they fall in unison, smell the purity of the air, and in your imagination touch and taste the snow. You are overcome with a sense of reverence. The outside world has excised itself of all commotion and cacophony, leaving you alone to contemplate the scene. What do you see?

The markings on this hardstone Gongshi can excite the imagination  
The markings on this hardstone Gongshi can excite the imagination  

This week’s New Arrival features a miniature Gongshi, or Spirit Stone collected in South China. Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand; like much larger Gongshi it has the capacity to trigger your imagination. Look closely. Nature has painted a scene as quiet as falling snow; although the inclusions growing within look as if they have something to say despite being locked in by the smooth polished surface of the stone. Now listen. You may not hear snowflakes, but your imagination telling a whole new story.

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