Porcelain Quan Yin

   Gilded celadon porcelain figure of Quan Yin
  Gilded celadon porcelain figure of Quan Yin

A group of people were shipwrecked on an uninhabited island off the coast of China. They were a Buddhist monk, Taoist priest, Confucian scholar, seaman, teacher, beggar, a young woman and an old man. The woman cried out, "What can we do? Who will help us?!" "We must meditate,” declared the monk.

Quan Yin is venerated worldwide for all sorts of reasons  
Quan Yin is venerated worldwide for all sorts of reasons  

"That’s useless," said the beggar. “We must talk with our ancestors,” said the priest. “Ancestors can’t swim!” declared the seaman. “We must apply reason,” said the scholar. “Reason got us here,” said the teacher.

An argument ensued. No one could be heard above the shouting. Every opinion voiced was met with opposition – every belief with skepticism. The argument went on for days, until finally the old man silenced the group when he said, "Quan Yin will help us. We must have faith." Surprisingly they all agreed, and just then a rescue boat appeared on the horizon.   This week's New Arrival features a gilded porcelain figure of Quan Yin. Originally the Buddhist god of compassion; she ultimately transcended religion and became popular with all Chinese and many millions of other people worldwide as guardian, provider, patron and savior. How did this happen? Perhaps Quan Yin herself would say the answer is compassion, which may be the secret ingredient in granting every wish and curing every problem.


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