Seated Ganesh Depicting Barong

   Seated figure of Ganesh from Majakarto, Indonesia
  Seated figure of Ganesh from Majakarto, Indonesia

Imagine there are no obstacles on your path. You can instantly manifest anything you desire. All your wishes would come true; your goals achieved; your ambitions fulfilled. Visualize a situation, outcome, or effect, and it would come to pass – gracefully, elegantly, and without effort. This is every human’s dream from the beginning of time; and, to make this dream come true you need only look to Ganesh – a concept as much as a deity – expressed in art as an elephant’s head on a human body.

This stone Ganesh depicts Barong on the back  
This stone Ganesh depicts Barong on the back  

The week’s New Arrival features a stone sculpture of Ganesh. Although an elephant’s head on a human body may seem far-fetched, it’s what Ganesh symbolizes that really matters. Known as the “remover of obstacles,” Ganesh is a potent reminder that what we do and how we act reveals the potential in all things.  Look closely at this particular statue and you’ll also discover Barong, a spirit representing all things good. Together, you can almost hear them say – within us all is the capacity to forge a completely fulfilling and rewarding life.

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Part of a much larger collection of Indonesian art