Skull Ring

   Skull Ring
  Skull Ring from the PRIMITIVE Collection

No other symbol has been celebrated more throughout human history than the skull. Shakespeare made it famous when Hamlet held aloft the skull of his old friend Yorick and proclaimed, “Alas, I knew him well.” The skull became the quintessential element of the Jolly Roger and the icon for Mexico’s Day of the Dead. In ancient times, Mayans carved crystal skulls. Today, it makes a progressive fashion statement. While the skull undoubtedly represents the darker side of things, its appeal appears to go far beyond the melancholy and the macabre.

Fashioned from sterling silver and carved fossil mammoth tusk  
The ring is fashioned from sterling silver and inset with a skull hand carved from fossil mammoth tusk



This week’s New Arrival features the Skull Ring. Fashioned from sterling silver, it is inset with a skull, hand carved from fossil mammoth tusk. It is part of a much larger collection of skull related jewelry and objects. Slip it on and instantly you feel connected, but in a different sort of way. Perhaps it’s because the skull reminds us of our own mortality; but it may be because it has come to represent something hidden from view. Beneath the layers of ourselves it represents the ultimate architecture – a subtle reminder of the perfection found within each of us.

(Call to inquire)   

This ring is part of a much larger collection of skull inspired jewelry and objects to arrive at PRIMITIVE