Baby Tantric Lingams

A charming form of insurance!

   Baby Tantric Lingams from the Narmada River System in central India

Baby Tantric Lingams from the Narmada River System in central India. Ranging in size from one to two inches in length are powerful charms; $15 each; if ordering, please let us choose

What does it mean to be charmed? If one person is referring to another it might mean to be attracted, beguiled, or myopic; as in “Joe was so charmed he only saw Sally.” Sallies too, might only see Joes; Sallies other Sallies; and Joes other Joes since being charmed does not play favorites when it comes to gender. There are only charmers and charmees. Yet, being charmed can also refer to people’s circumstances. The arrival of fame and fortune, narrowly avoiding an accident, a sudden recovery; all may be attributed to good luck, destiny, or science. However, they may actually be instances of charmed situations; and upon closer examination, the work of powerful charms like this week's New Arrival.

Baby Tantric Lingams are believed to amplify positive energy like their larger counterparts  
Baby Tantric Lingams can be used as charms to help amplify positive energy like their larger counterparts; $15 each  

This week’s New Arrival features a collection of Baby Tantric Lingams, little egg-shaped crystals found along a tiny stretch of the Narmada River in Central India. Composed of chalcedony with iron oxide inclusions, these pocket size charms range in size from one to two inches in length. Like their larger counterparts that can soar over twelve feet tall, scholars speculate they were formed millions of years ago when a meteorite hit the earth. Despite their ambiguous origin, those schooled in the use of lingams are certain about their capacity to generate positive reality. Using them as charms is easy: clean under water for twenty minutes, keep in a pocket, purse or drawer, and have faith they will insure you have a charmed life!