Steel Bridge by Brian Sindler

   Steel Bridge, by Brian Sindler
  Steel Bridge, by Brian Sindler

Memory in the Making

Why does one memory remain sharp and clear while another proves faint and fragile? Even though our senses create memories, none may actually be present when they are recounted. Can you hear the song that helped you heal a broken heart; or taste your favorite dish; or touch your first love’s lips? Memories appear as pictures in our mind’s eye; like frames in a motion picture. Although these images may appear in varying degrees of intensity, they are like bridges connecting us to other people, places and events – and the feelings they evoke. 

This Nocturne, or night painting, perfectly captures the moment between twilight and night  
This Nocturne, or night painting, perfectly captures the moment between twilight and night  

This week’s New Arrival features an oil painting by award-winning American artist Brian Sindler. Simply titled Steel Bridge, the scene it depicts seems so familiar most viewers ask, “Have I seen it before?” Look further and you’ll find yourself suspended between twilight and night. The balance is so perfect it’s easy to imagine darkness will fully descend in a few moments; yet when those moments pass something different happens. We ask, “What does this bridge connect?” And as answers emerge the picture itself becomes a memory in the making.

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To learn more about Brian Sindler read this week's blog

Part of a much larger collection of contemporary paintings by Brian Sindler available exclusively at PRIMITIVE