Baga Horse Stool

   Baga Horse Stool
  Baga Horse Stool

Imagine living in Guinea, West Africa during the 19th century. You are a member of the Baga tribe, a peaceful group of farmers and fishermen.  One day, foreigners show up on your shores and declare you subject to their laws and customs under penalty of death. You acquiesce because they arrived in fearsome warships, carry firearms, and as much as anything else, prance around on animals as alien to you as any you’ve ever seen before. They call these creatures HORSES, and in time they will become the ultimate symbol of power and authority for your people.

Depictions of the horse became associated with leadership and power among the Baga  
Depictions of the horse became associated with leadership and power among the Baga  

This week’s New Arrival features a sculpted horse with a seat on its back. Originally created for Baga elders, those who led the tribe after Guinea emerged from the yoke of colonial rule; it is more than a work of functional art. Tribal furniture from Africa – almost exclusively seats of one form or another – does more than provide a platform for people to be seated.  It tells stories; and this particular chair suggests whoever sits on it will emanate experience, display knowledge and wisdom, embody leadership, and ultimately, be as adaptable as the horse underneath.

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Part of a much larger collection of authentic tribal art and seating