The Icon of Theotokos

   Depiction of the 'Burning Bush'
  Depiction of the 'Burning Bush'

This week’s new arrival augments our collection of Russian Icons. It tells the story of the “Burning Bush.” Regardless of your upbringing, you may have heard the story. Moses witnesses a burning bush, but it remains unconsumed by the fire. He hears God call out to him. “Remove your sandals,” says God. “You’re standing on holy ground.” He obeys. Then God beseeches him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God’s words light a fire in Moses.

The icon of Theotokos   

This story has been depicted countless times, and over time rich and intricate symbolism developed around the story. In the story as it’s told on this week’s new arrival, there are more symbols than we can safely mention here; however, all obscure a bigger question: is the story fact or fable? The answer, though, hardly matters, because this icon symbolizes something else – the idea that each of us can be moved to take action, with or without divine inspiration, resulting in achievements and accomplishments which might only be described as divine.

(Call to inquire)   

Moses witnesses a burning bush, but it remains unconsumed by the fire Moses witnesses a burning bush, but it remains unconsumed by the fire and he hears God call out to him