Chinese Minority Peoples Baby Carriers

   Chinese Minority Peoples Baby Carriers'
  Chinese Minority Peoples Baby Carriers

Hidden away in the rural villages of China’s minority peoples is an age old activity profoundly important to minority women – the creation of baby carriers. Baby carriers were far more than just a means to illustrate a mother’s love for her child. In fact, even before marriage, young girls would show off their handiwork to suitors as a personal emblem of their skill and as a means of garnering attention. Baby carriers were in every respect a true representation of a female’s individuality.

Baby carriers were in every respect a true representation of a female’s individuality   

The entire process of creating a carrier, from growing, combing and weaving cotton, to raising silkworms and producing silk, to dying, stitching and embroidering – every aspect of design – took thought, care, creativity, and most of all, time. Each carrier was a true expression of love made by hand with dexterous fingers and silken threads. Working diligently, rural minority women created textile masterworks imbued with all their hopes and desires for a bountiful future. Now, beyond the future they imagined, one of these masterworks can grace your wall, framed, straps intact and artfully folded, serving as a gentle reminder that a bright future is always at your fingertips.

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Each carrier was a true expression of love