Emperor's Dragon Pocket Knife

   Emperor's Dragon Pocket Knife
  Emperor's Dragon pocket knife

My grandfather carried himself like royalty; and my grandmother was the epitome of the dutiful wife. Every morning she would lay out my grandfather’s clothes and make sure she packed him off to work looking dapper and engaging. She would say “a true gentleman always carries a handkerchief and a pocket knife.” I never doubted her words, for my grandfather carried himself in a benevolent, stately manner. He could dab a tear and turn it into a smile with his handkerchief, and his trusted pocket knife was always ready to trim a wick, cut a thread, open a box, or perform a multitude of tasks we rarely recognize as necessary until they are upon us.

The button lock and thumb stud were set with diamonds   

Featured is one of the finest pocket knives ever made. It is called the Emperor’s Dragon because of the engraved design on the handle - a classical, writhing dragon connecting heaven and earth. It took over 150 hours to engrave the handle and many days to hand forge the “Hornet’s Nest” Damascus steel blade. After it was painstakingly assembled, the button lock and thumb stud were set with diamonds. Work on the knife began in 2012 and it was finished on September 3rd, 2013. On that day I remembered my grandfather’s pocket knife and my grandmother’s words rang true again.

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The engraved design on the handle depicts a classical, writhing dragon connecting heaven and earth