26 May 2017
Google “Ancestor Worship” and aside from 2,260,000 results delivered in slightly over half a second, you will immediately find the following description: “Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, that the spirits of deceased ancestors will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the...
19 May 2017
As you walk in the direction of what you think was downstream, you come across an unexpected sight just around a bend: an ancient tree trunk nestled against the bank of the river. Unlike other logs, this one is not hollow, covered with moss, or freshly fallen even though the wood looks intact and the fine lines of bark are visible. It is half protruding from the ground. In a strange way i...
11 May 2017
In traditional African art, which generally refers to the art of sub-Saharan Africa, the concept of motherhood and maternity is a theme surfacing in just about every tribal group. Although most societies in Africa could be viewed as paternalistic or male dominated, artfully rendered maternity figures idealizing and glorifying women were commonplace. Yet, the purpose of this art was not simply t...
05 May 2017
Antique Chinese furniture can be loosely divided into two broad categories: classical and vernacular. Historically, classical pieces were made from frequently imported hardwoods and commissioned by members of the imperial family, ranked officials, scholars, and those connected with the imperial court in some fashion. Like other prized artwork in Chinese culture, classical furniture emphasized t...