The Best Offense Is A Good Defense – African Shields

12 June 2015

As the 19th turned to the 20th century, an Italian invasion force in northern Ethiopia hid under the cover of darkness. They were camped in an open steppe, strategically sound, except for a high plateau that rose sharply to the north. Nonetheless, they stirred uneasily at their posts. Scouts reported the area was secure, and that any hostile force would have to march all night and half the ...

Q&A with Artist Mark Westervelt

05 June 2015

Westervelt’s paintings reflect a certain raw primitivism that is both moving and seductive. His works are emotive, almost always featuring faces and figures assembled from the skins he creates and tempered by his imagination.  Though at first glance his pieces may seem abstract, the facial expression and body language of his characters convey a never ending array of feelings and...