30 June 2009
We went to stone and wood carving markets today. Chinese New Year shuts everything down so the places were like ghost towns. Our timing was not perfect, but this was the only time we could get here this trip. Some places opened up when they saw us coming. We continually interrupted card games and tea drinking.When we arrived at one particular market I was expecting something organic--small stal...
27 June 2009
I have ten oranges in my bag. They were given to us as presents by various vendors. Food in China is a very big deal. No one misses a meal and it occurs to me, feeding a billion and a half people is no small feat. At dinner I am overwhelmed by the amount of people. It seems like they are pouring out of and into every opening.We are dining in the hotel because it’s late, and frankly, there...
25 June 2009
We landed in Xiamen and made our way to Cherry’s hometown, some two hours further by car. Traveling more than an hour beyond, we arrived at a carving studio specializing in Han Bai Yu stone - white jade.Han Bai Yu could be considered the Chinese equivalent of Makrana marble from India, except the two are really different. Makrana is opaque, like milk. Han Bai Yu is translucent, like ice. ...
23 June 2009
We are in a car heading to Bayun Airport in Guangzhou, about a two hour drive from Zhongshan. The highway is new and landscaped the entire way with finely trimmed shrubs, trees and flowers. We are on our way to Fujian. The decision to go was quickly made so I ask Cherry once again the reason for our departure. She says, “To find small carving and go to tea market.” Okay, I nod. Righ...
22 June 2009
After a late dinner we explored the local scenery. In a field near the center of town multiple groups were shooting off fireworks. Whole families joined in the festivities. There were rockets, firecrackers, sparklers, bombs; you name it and it was there as long as it exploded, blazed, smoldered or glowed. Huge rockets exploded in every color of the rainbow, some high, some too close for comfort...
21 June 2009
The day started with breakfast in the coffee shop. The first thing I noticed was plates of candy everywhere. Even the hostess offered me some as she placed silverware on the table and announced “Happy New Year.” Around me, people ate noodles. I felt like I had made a mistake by ordering eggs.I am more self-conscious here than when I first arrived in New York City. The language barri...
20 June 2009
We headed for China on Chinese New Year. Everything in China closes for the Lunar New Year, so it was a good travel day. We took a plane from Denpasar to Singapore and then to Hong Kong. From there, we took a boat to Zhongshan where we were met by lovely Miss Cherry, with whom Primitive has been involved for years. She is smart, stylish, enthusiastic, and multi-lingual, speaking excellent Engli...